Know Your OAS Payment Dates for 2025 – Plan Ahead for Old Age Security Payments

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The Old Age Security (OAS) program in Canada is a crucial source of financial assistance for seniors, offering monthly payments to help them manage living expenses in retirement. If you are 65 or older, OAS can provide vital support, and with straightforward eligibility and application processes—including online enrollment—it’s easier than ever to apply. In this guide, we’ll walk you through OAS payments for 2025, including eligibility, payment schedules, and how to maximize your benefits.

Understanding OAS Payments

The OAS program, managed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), is designed to assist seniors aged 65 and older. Unlike other retirement programs such as the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), OAS does not require previous contributions, making it accessible to many seniors, including those who may not have worked or contributed to retirement plans in the past.

Payment Amounts for 2025

The amount you receive from OAS depends on your age and income level. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Ages 65-74: Seniors can receive up to $727.67 per month, provided their annual income is below $148,451 (the threshold for 2024). Payments are reduced for individuals who exceed this income limit.
  • Ages 75 and older: Seniors in this group get a 10% increase, meaning their maximum monthly benefit rises to $800.44. The income threshold for this group is $154,196 (2024 threshold).

If your income exceeds these thresholds, your OAS payment will be adjusted accordingly.

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OAS Payment Schedule for 2025

OAS payments are typically issued in the last week of each month. While the exact date may vary, here’s the general schedule for 2025:

  • Payments are made directly into bank accounts or sent by cheque, depending on your preferred payment method.

Maximizing Your OAS Benefits

While OAS provides a valuable source of income, you can boost your payments by choosing when to start receiving your benefits.

  • Delay Your OAS: If you don’t need the payments immediately upon turning 65, you can delay receiving benefits until age 70. Delaying benefits increases your payments by 0.6% per month or 7.2% per year. By waiting until age 70, you could receive over 30% more than if you start claiming at age 65.

This strategy works well for seniors with other income sources who want to maximize their OAS benefits later in life.

Additional Financial Support: GIS

Many low-income seniors may also qualify for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), which provides additional financial support for those who need it most.

  • GIS Payments: In 2025, eligible seniors can receive up to $1,086.88 per month in GIS benefits. When combined with OAS, this can result in up to $1,887.32 per month for seniors with very low income.

How to Apply for OAS

If you are not automatically enrolled in OAS, you can apply manually through Service Canada.

Steps to Apply:

  1. Online Application: Log in or create an account on the Service Canada website.
  2. Complete the Application: Fill out the required personal details and submit the necessary documentation, such as proof of age and residency.
  3. Submit Documents: Provide any additional information, such as income documentation if required.
  4. Await Confirmation: Once your application is processed, you’ll receive confirmation of your status by mail or email.

Alternatively, you can apply in person at a Service Canada office.

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FAQs About OAS for 2025

  • What is the maximum OAS payment for 2025?
    • $727.67 for ages 65-74, and $800.44 for those 75 and older.
  • When are OAS payments made in 2025?
    • Payments are typically issued in the last week of each month.
  • Can I delay OAS payments?
    • Yes, you can delay payments up to age 70 to receive higher monthly amounts.
  • How can I apply for OAS benefits?
    • Apply online through Service Canada or in person at a local office.
  • What is GIS, and how much can I receive?
    • GIS is an additional benefit for low-income seniors, offering up to $1,086.88 per month, depending on eligibility.


The OAS program is a vital resource for seniors in Canada, providing essential support in retirement. With the option to maximize your benefits by delaying payments and additional assistance available through GIS, OAS can help ensure financial security in your later years. Make sure to apply on time and keep your information up to date to receive your benefits without delay.

Ritu Sharma

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